The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple
Don't we just look GREAT together?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First post

Today's date is 4-15-2010: Tax Day! This is the first post of my new blog. I don't know how often I will be posting, but with so mcuh going on in my life I thought it would be nice to share stories, things I am learning, frustration, political views, upcoming events, etc! I am just getting things set up but don't worry, there will be more to come! Thanks for following along in "Life as Lucas: One day at a time".

With it being tax day there are plenty of people probably scrambling to get their taxes done. I sent mine in the first week of February and still haven't seen a dime. Thats the federal government for you though! Oh well. When the refund does get here its going to put a big smile on my face!

OK, well time to start developing this blog thing.....yea, its "this blog thing" to me cause im new to the blogging scene, and yes, I do know it is 2010 not 1998. I didn't have a cell phone til I was in college either...shocker:)